Training on pedagogical innovation

We invite you to participate in exceptional training sessions and workshops organized in the coming months as part of the EUNICE consortium.Schedule…

Training on pedagogical innovation

Zapraszamy do skorzystania z wyjątkowych szkoleń i warsztatów organizowanych w najbliższych miesiącach w ramach konsorcjum EUNICE.  Harmonogram…


On April 16, 2024, the ceremonial inauguration of the Center of Innovative Education at Poznań University of Technology took place, a facility…


We are pleased to announce that the Center of Innovative Education at Poznań University of Technology will commence its operations in April 2024!This…

New Training: "Effective Public Speaking"

In the training and webinar calendar for the academic year 2023/2024, a new training session has been added: Effective Public Speaking.The training…

Contemporary ICT Tools and Methods of Creative Education

Through this course, participants can acquire and expand their knowledge and practical skills regarding contemporary tools for creating various types…

Komunikacja interpersonalna

The primary goal is to explore and effectively utilize personal potential and develop one's own communication and interpersonal skills, which will…

Intro to EdTech

The course developed by EDHEC Business School provides an overview of the main areas of EdTech (Education Technology), including digital teaching,…


The course is designed for individuals interested in the model of modern education and in developing skills that enable functioning in a digital…

The report "Przyszłość Edukacji. Scenariusze 2046"

The report "Przyszłość Edukacji. Scenariusze 2046"developed by in collaboration with Collegium Da Vinci, outlines possible…

The report "Pokolenia na polskim rynku pracy"

The report "Pokolenia na polskim rynku pracy" prepared by Grafton Recruitment, presents the differences and similarities among employees from the…

The guide "Grywalizacja. Zrób to sam!"

The guide "Grywalizacja. Zrób to sam!" prepared by the Orange Foundation serves as a manual for creating gamification, engaging people in problem-…