Cornell University's Center for Teaching Innovation provides educational resources to support instructors in designing, implementing, and assessing…
The YouTube channel of the Centrum Nowoczesnej Edukacji at Gdańsk University of Technology features materials related to teaching methodology, neuroscience…
The Degrees of Freedom podcasts from the University of Groningen feature recordings of conversations between teachers and students about academic education and…
The inaugural lecture of the Center of Innovative Education at Poznań University of Technology will address the changes in teaching methods and the evolving…
Webinars by the AGH Center for e-Learning and Innovative Education on topics including teaching methodology, artificial intelligence tools, creating…
Raport "Przyszłość Edukacji. Scenariusze 2046" opracowany przez we współpracy z Collegium Da Vinc przedstawia możliwe kierunki…
The report "Pokolenia na polskim rynku pracy" prepared by Grafton Recruitment, presents the differences and similarities among employees from the…
The guide "Grywalizacja. Zrób to sam!" prepared by the Orange Foundation serves as a manual for creating gamification, engaging people in problem-…
The course prepared by Erasmus University Rotterdam focuses on student assessment and the significance of evaluations in higher education. It encompasses…
The book Assessment and Feedback in Higher Education by Teresa McConlogue, which contains a review of the theory and practice of assessment and designing a…
The book by Dilly Fung discusses the development of engaging curriculum and new forms of education based on research, internationalization, the global…
Creativity has emerged as a prevalent keyword throughout all disciplines and phases of education, extending from the earliest years to tertiary levels.…